Created by Su Buckley 30th April 2013 This event has closed

Story drunken night (I know can you believe that I was drunk)...I decided that it would be a good idea to cycle from Warrington to Glasgow to raise funds for the ppw hospice to thank them in some small way for all their support since my sister Julie passed away in their Glasgow hospice in April 2011. Words cannot describe the gratitude we have for all the team for the unconditional care that they showed to Julie, her family and if words can not describe our heartfelt thanks...actions can! The idea was to start from Julie's hometown of Warrington and cycle to her away town of Glasgow, and raise some funds along the way. The team currently training to complete the cycle with me are my good pals, Jim, Gaz and Simmo and we have a doctor/driver Riggers on hand to offer "encouragement" and get the pints in each night! Jim is our in built sat nav (known as jim, jim to us) gaz...well gaz has completed a detailed map....on a post it note (see photo above) and Simmo....well he has turned into Chris Hoy (oh sorry that was just in one of my dreams!) The cycle starts on Tuesday 16th July and we aim to finish at the hospice lunchtime Saturday 20th ...then off for a few well earned beers around Glasgow. This cycle is not only about raising funds but also about raising the profile of the work that hospices do, so if you have any spare change I would gladly take it off your hands .....I am no Victoria Pendleton but am determined to complete the ride....for Julie.x


Southport 22.6.13

Wet,wet, wet

Sutton Manor

Lovely cycle up to the statue

Walton Gardens

yes, your eyes are not decieving you....that is coffee


There are not many hills really Sue....Ok jim, jim I believe you!


It is OK when you have just cycled miles!!!

Jolly Thresher

A bit of the favourite with the team for a welcome pitsop


A lovely trip to the seaside

The Theatre of Dreams

The boys back at home

Southport 25.5.13

fantastic cycle using parts of the trans penine

Pit stop

Completing 54 miles..otterspool 20.4.13

From Clare Connolly (Est friend)

1st July 2013
Best of luck Su. I'll be thinking of you!! 😀 I didn't know your sister but I'm sure she would be so very proud of you xx

Wet, Wet,Wet - Southport 22.6.13

23rd June 2013
A few weeks back we enjoyed a pleasant cycle to Southport but were a man down that day, so we decided to go back with gaz yesterday. "oh you will love it Gaz, such a lovely ride!" Only yesterday, the 8 miles in near flash floods, gale force winds, sand storms and a head on bike crash for jim, suggests it may be awhile before we venture that way again!! On the plus side the fish and chips were as good as last time.x

4 weeks and counting

21st June 2013
Ok, just under 4 weeks to go and training is coming along nicely. last weekend to quote jim, jim " well we will end up somewhere!!" after cycling along a country road somewhere in Cheshire not quote knowing where we woudl end up, so it was a case of here there and everywhere!. Sunday was a personal favourite of mine, cycle up to the dream statue at sutton manor, through Widnes, over Runcorn Bridge, Walton and a quick coffee in the gardens before my bff Gaz, cleaned my bike for me...he is a good lad, check out the photo's...